De match tussen boer en designer brengt een verrassend frisse kijk en helpt een brug te bouwen tussen boer, burger en bedrijfsleven.
Agri meets Design is thé platform where farmers and designers meet and collaborate on social issues. We thrive when the worlds of design & agricultuur collide. We believe design is needed to secure the future of food and change the system!
Would you like to know more?This year the first Future Food Design Awards will be presented at the Dutch Design Week. The award is the foremost international prize intended to encourage and spotlight innovative and disruptive designs for sustainable future food.
Continue readingThis year during Dutch Design Week we present The Embassy of Food – Looking Back to Now! Together with designers, The Embassy of Food presents radical views on current and future food issues that visitors will be able to experience and taste.
Continue readingTake a look at our latest project: Food Heroes!
During Dutch Design Week 2016, a new Agri meets Design Food Lab was launched:…
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